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      • Guangzhou Rong 'an Fire Equipment Co., LTD

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        Mr. Huang's telephone number:13711155165

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                                                           Hanging HFC-227ea fire extinguishing device


        Gas extinguishing device without pipe network is one of the applications of gas technology. It is a fire-extinguishing system with linkage control function which is designed and assembled in advance according to certain application conditions, such as fire extinguishing agent storage device and spraying components. No pipe network gas fire extinguishing device short injection time, fast fire extinguishing speed, can be used with fire detector, manual start button, fire display panel, fire alarm controller and other electrical equipment.

        Application scope: distribution room, transformer room, equipment room, computer room, communication room, database room, archive room and other small protection area.

        Features: The storage container, container valve, nozzle, etc. are pre-equipped with independent hanging installation, fire can be opened automatically or manually in case of fire extinguishing agent. Hanging gas fire extinguishing device valve diameter is large, eruption time is short, fire extinguishing quickly. Because there is no network management, the construction and installation is simple and the project investment is reduced. At the same time, the fire extinguishing device is installed above the protected area or on the wall, so it does not occupy the space of the protected area.

        HFC-227ea is a clean halon substitute agent recognized and widely used in the world. It has the characteristics of low extinguishing design concentration, fast extinguishing speed and no pollution after extinguishing. It can be liquefied stored at room temperature. It can be used to protect the place where people often work.

      Copyright ? 2015   www.hbzix.com    Guangzhou Rong 'an Fire Equipment Co., LTD   All rights reserved

      Contact: Mr. Chen   Phone:13928768802   Mr. Huang   Phone:13711155165 Tel:020-31143089   Fax:020-31143992   Email:1851885478@qq.com   Address: 15 Yongfeng Road, Shawan Town, Panyu District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province  Registration license No. :粵ICP備16114979號

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