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      News Detail
      • The role of technical certification of external storage pressure (backup pressure type) HFC-227ea fire extinguishing system
        categories of news:Corporate news   Author:handler    Published on:2017-07-154    Text:【big】【medium】【small


        Function performance and importance of technical certification of external storage pressure (backup pressure type) HFC-227ea fire extinguishing system

        Today we are going to talk about what is the technical certification of fire products and its importance!

        As we all know, in the gas fire industry, the vast majority of fire products are national standards and specifications, products meet the national standards, issued 3C certification and inspection report, two documents in the fire department after the completion of the fire acceptance, in accordance with the "GB 50370-2005 gas fire extinguishing system design code" for acceptance.

        But part of the fire products have not issued a national standard, and is just an enterprise standard, some people will say that the enterprise standard is not the enterprise data ah, of course not, the so-called enterprise standard refers to the professional manufacturers in the field of expertise in the national standards and norms based on the response to market requirements of the standard, through the technical committee, expert recognition, After many tests to prove that it can achieve the set fire test effect, the Ministry of Public Security fire control Institute recognized this standard and issued a technical appraisal certificate and inspection report.

        Technical certificate is equivalent to 3C certificate, but also different from 3C certificate. The difference is as follows: 3C certificate is valid for 5 years, technical certification certificate has A period of 3 years, 3C certification certificate covers all specifications and models, technical certification certificate is a separate product model A certificate, so in the absence of standard national specifications, technical identification certificate difficulty detection and technical difficulty is higher than 3C certificate.

        Hfc-227ea gas fire extinguishing can be divided into pipe network and no pipe network. Hfc-227ea fire extinguishing system, cabinet fire extinguishing device and hanging fire extinguishing device all have GB 3C certificate. Hfc-227ea fire extinguishing system for pipe network storage has 3C certificate consistent with the national standard, and HFC-227ea fire extinguishing system for external storage (reserve) is the enterprise standard.

        Many manufacturers on the market claim to be able to do external pressure HFC-227ea fire extinguishing system. May I ask, do you want the factory to get the technical appraisal certificate? Did you get the inspection report?

        In the sale of products without a certificate, there is no doubt that the fire protection is not attached importance to the fire safety of the major hidden danger.

        The market order is often so chaotic that manufacturers do not even have the qualifications to do their own products, and to make unqualified products into the market for sales, if problems occur, the consequences may be disastrous. Their own fire prevention products are to prevent fire, beyond the specification and certificate is to allow the product to appear on the market, to achieve the effect of standard setting, in their own factory has not reached a certain technical water products to do this product before don't be deceived by the interests, but also requires our construction units and owner units to strictly implement the product qualification certificate examination matters, the design institute as the authority of the third party units, Design drawings, we should be in the scope of the specification, in accordance with the requirements of the design institute to complete the design, protect the interests of the owners, protect the owners of fire safety!

        Ministry of Public Security Fire Products Conformity Assessment Center website: http:// www.cccf.net.cn, and then click query 3C certificate products or technical identification products, you can find the corresponding qualified manufacturers!

        This article is organized and published by Guangzhou Rong 'an Fire Equipment Co., LTD., without consent shall not be reproduced or held responsible!

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