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      News Detail
      • 3C certificate and technical appraisal certificate of gas fire extinguishing system
        categories of news:Corporate news   Author:handler    Published on:2016-12-284    Text:【big】【medium】【small

        3C certificate and technical appraisal certificate of gas fire extinguishing system

        3C certification is a compulsory product certification in China.

        The main contents are summarized as follows:

        (1) In accordance with relevant agreements on international trade and international rules, the state implements a unified compulsory product certification system for products involving human health and safety, animal and plant life safety and health, environmental protection and public safety. The Certification and Accreditation Administration shall be responsible for administering and organizing the implementation of the national compulsory product certification system.

        (2) The main characteristics of the national compulsory product certification system are that the state issues a unified catalog, formulates a unified applicable national standard, technical rules and implementation procedures, establishes a unified logo, and establishes a unified fee standard. Where the product in the mandatory product certification directory, must be certified by the national certification body designated, obtain the relevant certificate, and in the factory import, import, sales and use of commercial services to add certification marks.

        (3) In accordance with the principles of China's accession to the WTO and the principles of national treatment, 138 products are covered by the two systems. The published "catalogue" has deleted medical ultrasonic diagnostic and therapeutic equipment originally included in the mandatory certification management of 16 products, adding 10 products such as construction safety glass, actually contains a total of 132 products of the "catalogue" mandatory certification.

        (4) The state adopts a unified compulsory product certification mark. The new national compulsory certification mark name is "China compulsory certification", the English name is "China compulsory certification", the English abbreviation can be called "3C" mark. The China Mandatory Certification mark will replace the "Great Wall" mark and the "CCIB" mark after the original implementation.

        (5) The national unified determination of compulsory product certification fees and standards. The new fee development will reflect the principle of national treatment based on the principle that is not for profit, while taking into account the current fees and referring to similar foreign certification fees.

        (6) The compulsory product certification system shall come into effect from 1 August 2002, and the relevant certification bodies will officially accept applications. The original product safety certification system and import safety and quality license system have been abolished since August 1, 2003.

        3C certification English

        3C certification is actually the English name "China compulsory certification" (China compulsory product certification system) English abbreviation, is also the national compulsory product certification using a unified logo. As the National Security certification (CCEE), import safety and quality license system (CCIB), China Electromagnetic Compatibility certification (EMC) three-in-one "CCC" authoritative certification, China Quality Supervision and Administration Administration and the State Commission and international standards of the senior Logo, has irreplaceable importance. At present, China announced that the first batch of compulsory products must be mandatory a total of 13, a total of 132. It mainly includes wire and cable, low voltage electrical appliances, information technology equipment, safety glass, fire protection products, automobile tires, latex products.

        3C authentication role

        CCC certification mark

        The 3C mark is usually attached to the surface of the product, or through the molding pressure on the product, careful observation will find some small diamond-shaped "CCC" secret mind. Each 3C logo is followed by a random code, each with a corresponding manufacturer and product. Certification mark issued by the center in the issue of mandatory product certification mark, the code has been the corresponding product input into the computer database, consumers can be coded by the national quality certification center.

        Technical appraisal abstract

        Technical appraisal, also known as science and technology assessment, scientific and technological achievements appraisal book, is the document identification document after the evaluation of scientific and technological achievements.

        Technical appraisal, also known as science and technology assessment, scientific and technological achievements appraisal book, is the document identification document after the evaluation of scientific and technological achievements. After the scientific research has been completed, the science and technology administrative organs shall engage relevant experts to examine and evaluate, in accordance with the prescribed forms and procedures, the scientific and technological achievements of scientific value, the academic level, the technological maturity and the economic rationality, and draw appropriate conclusions. Appraisal documents of relevant scientific and technological achievements in various historical periods of China. On October 26, 1994, the State Science and Technology Commission approved the "Methods for Appraisal of Scientific and Technological Achievements" and the "Procedures for Appraisal of Scientific and Technological Achievements (Trial)", which came into effect on January 1, 1995. According to the provisions of the State Science and Technology Commission, the methods for determining responsibility for scientific and technological achievements are classified into four levels according to the scale and importance of scientific and technological projects: State appraisal by the minister of the State Science and Technology Commission, appraisal organized by the relevant department under The State Council; The appraisal shall be ascertained by the relevant department of the province, city or autonomous region; Grassroots appraisal, by enterprises, schools, research institutions to identify.

        Characteristics of technical appraisal report

        Technical appraisal has the following characteristics: First, the authority of unified organization and management at all levels determined by national and local science and technology departments, and the authority and conclusion of scientific and technological achievements and national and local science and technology projects are reflected at all levels. Second, the experts of the scientific evaluation committee have high academic level, technical level, scientific and technological achievements appraisal, the correctness of the assessment responsibility to make it scientific. Three is fair, scientific and technological achievements appraisal, assessment is in the experts to carry out in-depth study, analysis on the basis, fully reflects the opinions of all parties, the committee signed the book appraisal, and expressed opinions, to ensure judicial appraisal.

        Technical appraisal letter

        The main function of technical appraisal is to make technical appraisal of scientific and technological achievements, draw conclusions on scientific research achievements, confirm their scientific and technological achievements through technical appraisal, ensure their quality, facilitate the promotion and improvement of scientific and technological achievements, so as to promote scientific and technological development and contribute to national economic development.

        Therefore, the 3C certificate and technical appraisal certificate in fire equipment are represented by the safety of product protection.

        Guangzhou Rong 'an Fire Equipment Co., LTD., cabinet HFC-227ea fire extinguishing device, HFC-227ea fire extinguishing system obtained 3C certification, external storage HFC-227ea fire extinguishing system obtained technical appraisal report.

        This article is published by Guangzhou Rong 'an Fire Equipment Co., LTD

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