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      • Guangzhou Rong 'an Fire Equipment Co., LTD

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        Mr. Huang's telephone number:13711155165

        Landline telephone:Landline telephone:020-31143089




        Address: 15 Yongfeng Road, Shawan Town, Panyu District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province

      News Detail
      • Three characteristics of heptafluoropropane gas
        categories of news:Corporate news   Author:handler    Published on:2016-12-024    Text:【big】【medium】【small

        Three characteristics of heptafluoropropane gas

        In contemporary society, with the development of science and technology and the needs of contemporary environment, fire safety is also getting more and more attention from people, from common fire water spraying to bottled carbon dioxide gas extinguishing, dry powder extinguisher and so on. Different occasions require different fire-fighting equipment and articles in protected areas. More important regional particularity and environmental protection awareness thus use special fire-fighting gas - HFC-227ea.

        First, characteristics: The chemical formula of hfc-CF3, or C3HF7, has a melting point of ?131 °C and a boiling point of ?16.4 °C, and is slightly soluble in water (260 mg/L). It is precisely because of the melting point and boiling point of HFC-227ea reagent, HFC-227ea gas can rapidly reduce the temperature within the region when an open flame occurs. The temperature in the area can not reach the temperature required for combustion, so as to achieve the purpose of fire suppression.

        Second, environmental protection: HFC-27propane is a colorless, odorless, does not contain chlorine or bromine, low toxicity, non-conductive, does not pollute the protected object, will not damage the atmospheric ozone layer, will not cause damage to property and precision facilities, can reliably extinguish B, C class fire and electrical fire with a low extinguishing concentration. Therefore, it is used to replace the environmentally harmful Sea Dragon 1301 and Sea Dragon 1211 as the raw material of fire extinguishing agent.

        Hfc-propane parameters:

        The depletion potential of ozone layer ODP=0

        Greenhouse potential GWP=0.6

        Atmospheric lifetime ALT=31 years

        The non-toxic reaction concentration of extinguishing agent NOAEL=9.0%

        The toxic reaction concentration LOAEL=10.5% of the extinguishing agent

        Fire extinguishing design basic concentration C=8%

        Lower than NOAEL and LOAEL, relatively safe

        Hfc-227en has a life cycle of 31 to 42 years in the atmosphere, and it can be discharged through normal exhaust channels without leaving residue or oil stains, so it is suitable as a fire extinguishing agent in data centers or server storage centers.

        Third, precautions: 1. Although HFC-227EA is relatively stable at room temperature, it will still decompose at high temperature and produce hydrogen fluoride, resulting in pungent taste. Other products of combustion include carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide.

        2. Frostbite can result from exposure to liquid HFC-2propane.

        3. Hfpropane can also be the wet propellant for the rocket.

        4. Hfc-227en is used in dose-measuring inhalers, such as those used in asthma treatment.

        With the change of times and environment, the market constantly needs more characteristics, so HFC-227ea came into being.

        This article by Guangzhou Rong 'an Fire Equipment Co., LTD. Original, retain the original, more information please log on: www.hbzix.com for inquiry.

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      Contact: Mr. Chen   Phone:13928768802   Mr. Huang   Phone:13711155165 Tel:020-31143089   Fax:020-31143992   Email:1851885478@qq.com   Address: 15 Yongfeng Road, Shawan Town, Panyu District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province  Registration license No. :粵ICP備16114979號(hào)

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