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      Contact us
      • Guangzhou Rong 'an Fire Equipment Co., LTD

        Mr. Chen's telephone number:13928768802

        Mr. Huang's telephone number:13711155165

        Landline telephone:Landline telephone:020-31143089




        Address: 15 Yongfeng Road, Shawan Town, Panyu District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province

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        Guangzhou Rong 'an Fire Equipment Co., Ltd. is a professional fire equipment manufacturer integrating research and development, design, production, sales, installation and service

        Our company's HFC-227ea fire extinguishing system has passed the national compulsory product certification and the National Fixed fire extinguishing system inspection Center, and obtained the 3C certificate and external pressure storage HFC-227ea fire extinguishing system technical appraisal certificate. The factory has passed the ISO9001 quality system certification, and is fully insured by Ping An Insurance of China.

        Working principle of HFC-227ea fire extinguishing system:

        When the system is operating, the fire extinguisher of the fire extinguishing agent cylinder group is charged by the specially designed pressurized gas cylinder group according to the designed pressure, and delivered to the HFC-227ea fire extinguishing system. For high lift and long distance protection area, the solution of external pressure storage HFC-227ea fire extinguishing system is generally adopted, and its conveying distance can reach more than 160M.

        Characteristics of external storage pressure HFC-227ea fire extinguishing system:

        1. The valve diameter is large, the resistance loss is small, the spraying time is short, the bottle group container valve is straight through structure, the maximum filling is 180L, the spraying time is less than 3.5S

        2. Diaphragm seal, safe and reliable sealing performance.

        3. The valve opens quickly and the maintenance is simple.

        4. High hose connection is simple, easy to install the system on site.

        5. Long transportation distance and large protection space: in the case of meeting the design specifications, the distance of fire extinguishing agent in the external storage pressure system is far. The conveying distance of 2.5MPa booster class pipeline is greater than or equal to 75M, and the conveying distance of 4.2MPa booster class pipeline is greater than or equal to 150M.

        6. High fire extinguishing efficiency: the external pressure storage system nozzle inlet pressure is high, stable, short injection time, improve the atomization effect of fire extinguishing agent, improve the fire extinguishing efficiency.

        7. Hfc-227ea (HFC-227EA) fire extinguishing system is an efficient fire extinguishing equipment. Hfc-227ea is a colorless, odorless, low toxicity, good insulation, no secondary pollution gas, and the depletion potential value (ODP) of atmospheric ozone layer is zero, which is one of the substitutes of halon 1211 and 1301.

        External storage pressure HFC-227ea fire extinguishing system unit composition:

        Includes fire extinguishing agent storage cylinder, nitrogen drive cylinder, container valve, one-way pressure reliever, level gauge, nitrogen delivery line assembly, connection pipe, and check valve. Distribution device and pipe network: including selection valve, pipe network, nozzle, etc.

        Technical parameters:


        Pressure Mpa20℃)

        Power supply

        Design temperature

        Service temperature

        Fire extinguishing agent group bottle

        Nitrogen drive set bottle

        Main power supply

        Standby power supply










        Bottle group name

        Model and specification(L)

        Storage pressure(20℃)

        Nitrogen starting bottle set



        Fire extinguishing agent bottle group






      Copyright ? 2015   www.hbzix.com    Guangzhou Rong 'an Fire Equipment Co., LTD   All rights reserved

      Contact: Mr. Chen   Phone:13928768802   Mr. Huang   Phone:13711155165 Tel:020-31143089   Fax:020-31143992   Email:1851885478@qq.com   Address: 15 Yongfeng Road, Shawan Town, Panyu District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province  Registration license No. :粵ICP備16114979號(hào)

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