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      Contact us
      • Guangzhou Rong 'an Fire Equipment Co., LTD

        Mr. Chen's telephone number:13928768802

        Mr. Huang's telephone number:13711155165

        Landline telephone:Landline telephone:020-31143089




        Address: 15 Yongfeng Road, Shawan Town, Panyu District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province

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        Engineering time

        Project name

        Company name

        Project content

        Engineering area

        Engineering consumption

        In September 2014

        Guangzhou Mobile and Praseodymium Energy jointly build IDC room

        Praseodymium Energy Technology

        One set of HFC-227ea fire extinguishing system

        1. First floor underground

        2. Basement level

        3. Four layers

        Total area protected by the system: 720m2

        Total dosage of HFC-227ea in the system: 400kg

        China Spectrum Energy is a company specializing in the field of new energy technology development, technical consultation, technical services and technology transfer; Technical research and development, technical consultation and technical services of environmental energy monitoring technology and energy-saving technology; Technology research and development and technical services of smart power grid monitoring equipment and process control monitoring equipment; Technology research and development of computer hardware and software; A company that sells computer hardware, software, electronic products and accessories.

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      Copyright ? 2015   www.hbzix.com    Guangzhou Rong 'an Fire Equipment Co., LTD   All rights reserved

      Contact: Mr. Chen   Phone:13928768802   Mr. Huang   Phone:13711155165 Tel:020-31143089   Fax:020-31143992   Email:1851885478@qq.com   Address: 15 Yongfeng Road, Shawan Town, Panyu District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province  Registration license No. :粵ICP備16114979號

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